jeudi 11 octobre 2007

NICE last day

Day 17, Nice, France - 17/07/2007

- had breakfast (wich was included in the price thank you!)
- took adventage of the free internet (yes Madam!) so I took the time to update my blog and book other hostels
-went drop my stuff to the other hostel (pomal plus près du centre-ville)
-wanted to go to museums, expositions etc, but did you know that everything closes on Mondays here instead of Sundays??!! not me....
-did a bit of shopping...., you heard, ME, shopping!
- j'ai monté une grosse côte pour voir un château - mais lui aussi y'étais fermé! Très belle vue par contre!

-I went swimming in the sea, j'ai litérallement eu un moment de délire: c'est là que j'ai réalisé que j'étais au milieu de NoWhere- à l'autre bout du monde, seule, personne qui me connait, moi qui connait trippait!! J'était dans le beau soleil à me laisser danser dans les vagues AHHHH!! J'étais tellement bien!

-met a guy while swimming (Kevin). He invited me to his raggae concert he was going to play at... unfortunately it was 3 days from now, and today was my last day there, but he was fun!

-After hearing them play some free style tam tam, I went to walk along the beach where there was a bunch of street performers

- two guys passed by me and said «Hello!!!» Yep, in english! So I said hello back, politely. After 5 minutes, the two same guys came and talked to me while I was watching a Mickeal Jackson interpreter. They asked if I was alone... I said NO right away, that my friends were waiting for me not too far from here. We started talking and make fun of each others accents. (they were actually both Italians born in France. So we both had weird accents.) Spent a few hours on the beach.

- We only realized at 2h30 a.m that time actually passed by pretty quickly! My hostel was closing down at 3h00 a.m and opening back at 6h00 a.m ( quand il y a des restrictions comme ça, laissez-moi vous dire que c'est pas toujours cool!)

- donc je leurs aient dits que je devais retourner à mon auberge. Je me suis donc retourné...mais je me suis vite apperçue que j'étais perdue.... 4 gars, un après l'autre m'ont dit genre «Ah, mignone! Tu es toute seule? Tu es perdue?» (in a gross kinda way) Dison que j'ai vite réalisé pourquoi il n'y avais pas beaucoup de filles qui se promenaient seules tard le soir....

-Faisant comme si je savais où je m'en allais ( ce qui n'étais pas vrai du tout!!) j'entend un gars qui me siflait après et s'approchait de moi très vite.. dison que mon coeur s'est mit à battre pomal vite... Lorsqu'il s'approchait j'ai réalisé que c'étais les deux gars que j'avais rencontré sur la plage!! Ils ont dit qu'ils ne voulaient pas me laisser marcher seule à mon auberge.

-Lets just say that I was pretty relieved seing those two guys again, at least I kinda knew them a bit. They told me they just missed their bus so they decided to spend a bit more time with me. But after a while, I realized it was 3h20 already! My hostel was now closed and I had no where to go. The guys offered me to stay at their place or even to rent a hotel room for the night.

-Ok, so I'm a friendly girl, but I'm not THAT stupid here! I knew the guys a bit, but not enough to think it was the best thing to do. (I realized quite fast that I didn't have the same intentions as them...) At that time, only one option came to me: grab your stuff and sleep on the beach. (pretty smart huh?) he he Actually, I don't regret it (well, what other option did I have right?)
Again the guys didn't want to leave me alone so they decided to come and sleep on the beach with me. At that point, the sun was rising and some early birds were swimming in the salty water. So we didn't sleep. At one point I actually told the guys to leave, they began to really act weird and they freaked me out for a bit... When they realized I was very serious, they left the beach leaving their phone number and saying they both had fallen in love with me.

- One thing: Come on!! Can you beleive those guys!!?? Anyways, it was one of the freakiest experience I had so far. Yeah, so far....

-Anywho, at 6h a.m I decided to go to the hostel (their doors where opening back at that time) but I still wasn't sure if I was going in the right direction...and I had to go pee SO bad! No seriously, I never had to go pee THAT bad. So I was walking very awkwardly looking for a public bathroom: none!!! And none of the stores where open yet! When I finally realized where I was going, I tried to run but it sure didn't help! Like come on, theres one thing about peeing in your pants, but when you're backpacking, you REALLY don't want to carry those wet pants for 4 days till you find a place to do some laundry, especially when you ONLY have 1 pair of long pants! To make a VERY long story short (seamed for ever!), I finally got to the hostel's bathroom on time! You can't imagine how relieved I was! I'm still surprised I didn't pee myself that day!

Mon train partait dans 2hrs 1/2, donc je me suis couché pour 1hrs dans l'auberge (eh oui, j'ai payé pour une nuit que j'ai vraiment utilisé pour 1 heure!) et je me suis enssuite réveillé pour aller en destination de Cannes!